PSL Draft Rules – All you Need to Know

PSL Draft Rules

With the PSL’s highly sought-after draft is nearing, the fans anxiously anticipate this moment, filled with excitement and excitement. Everybody is a fan of PSL We’re not an the only ones. The process of drafting that we watch each year with great excitement It is quite intricate and highly scientific. The PSL Draft will be announced on the 11th of January.

Many fans wonder the reason why their team chose the player they like or why an alternative player wasn’t chosen rather. However, behind these choices lies an organized process that is backed by strict guidelines and an effective strategy.

In this Blog I’ll go over all the research and guidelines behind this draft Draft PSL10. This Blog will cover all the following:

  • The amount of picks that every team receives.
  • What does each of the categories represent.
  • The brand new features are introduced in this version.
  • Different types of trades that teams can make.
  • The way a player’s class can be reduced and what are the guidelines to do so.
  • What are the most successful plans that have been planned and implemented?
  • What procedures are used to approve and request requests to trades during the mid-season are dealt with.
  • The purpose of talent hunt programs.
  • More details about the mid season trading window.

Pre Draft Preparations

This vital phase is crucial in setting the scene for the final draft. The most important tasks are:

Local Player List Announcement

The players who were not involved in the prior PSL season are announced.

Player Categorization

The Chief Selection Officer assigns every local player to a specific category (e.g. emerging and the Talent Hunt Program players).

Category Review

Teams from the franchise collaborate to assess their players’ performance and determine categories to upgrade or reduce which are then approved through PCB management.

Foreign Player Registration

Foreign players can register for specific classes (Platinum or Diamond. ) Sometimes, they are subject to certain conditions. There are also conditions. PCB is the one to approve and release the list of foreign players.

Draft Pick Order Announcement

An algorithmic randomization process decides the draft picks selection.

Retention and Trade Window

Teams can keep up to eight members (excluding any possibility for substituting players) and may take part in a variety of deals.

Draft Day

The day of the draft is the culmination of all the preparations for draft day. Teams decide on their teams in accordance with the pick order as well as their goals for the season.

PSL Draft Breakdown – Player Categories and Selection

Every team begins with eight players that are kept and they can choose a maximum of 18 members (minimum sixteen). The draft is comprised of five major categories:

Platinum Category

  1. The team must choose three players (at at least one from the local area and one from a foreign country).
  2. Combinations can be altered (e.g. the combination of two foreigners and two locals and the reverse).
  3. In the event that two players from Platinum have currently retained, just one player can be selected.

Diamond Category

Similar rules are in place for the Platinum category with respect to the amount of picks as well as the foreign/local player mix.

Gold Category

  1. Three additional picks are then made.
  2. When the Gold category selections, each team should have picked at least three international players.

Silver Category

  1. The teams add five more players which brings the total up to fourteen.
  2. They cannot be more than the amount of players that are kept in the Diamond category.

Emerging Category

Teams choose two players to play, with a focus on young talent.

Supplementary Category

  1. Teams are able to pick either one or zero players, and 2 players (if two players are selected, at least one of them is local).
  2. If an Emerging player gets selected The team could be able to have a total of three Emerging players.

Additional Rules

  1. The Supplementary category is where two players from outside the country cannot be selected together.
  2. Every team must include at minimum two Emerging players and at the very least one of them in the XI that plays.

Foreign Player Rules

  1. A maximum of six players from outside the team.
  2. Five foreign players minimum per team.
  3. Minimum three, and up to four international players are allowed part of the team.

Special Draft Features

Wild Card Pick

  1. The ability of a team to raise the player in one category down into a more prestigious one.
  2. Each team has one Wild Card Select.

Right to Match

  1. The team can reclaim an unreleased player selected by a different team within the same group.
  2. The team that reclaims loses one of their picks, and the opposing team gets one.

PSL Player Trades

Trading involves exchanging players or draft selections between franchises in the Trade and Retention Window and the Mid-Season Trading Window.

Types of Trades

There are 11 kinds of transactions, which involve various types of draft picks, players as well as money (see the original article for a full details).

Trade Budget

The total budget for trade amounts to 12 million Pakistani rupees.

Mid Season Trade Window

  1. The tournament begins after the teams play the equivalent of four matches (72-hour time frame).
  2. Players who have not yet been in the game can be sold.
  3. Every team is able to make at least two trades.
  4. The size of the squad must stay unchanged after the trades.

Emerging Category Detailed Rules

  1. The players must participate in the Pakistani circuit domestically.
  2. You must be less than 23 on January 1st, this PSL year.
  3. The players who have played for Pakistan’s national team cannot be considered eligible.

Emerging Player Nomination

  1. Each franchise is able to nominate as many as three emerging players.
  2. The players who are nominated will be assigned to this franchise.
  3. If two franchises choose to nominate the same player, then the player has the option of choosing. If they do not choose each, they are re-initiated into the draft.

Talent Hunt Discovery Program

Talent hunters from programmes (e.g., Lahore Qalandars Player Development Academy) are qualified, regardless of whether they are older than the age of 23.

Talent Hunt Nomination Rules

  1. Every team is able to choose up to two members.
  2. The winner must be chosen during the second round of selection.
  3. Compensation is in line with the Emerging category.
  4. The players are classified as Emerging, however they are not able to remain in this classification for a number of seasons.

Category Downgrade Rules

Teams may downgrade their player categories to save money and for strategic reasons.

Methods for Downgrading

Successful Relegation Request

The agreement must be signed by the player and get the approval of all franchises (or the bidding process in case there are objections).

Ambassador Role

The appointment of a player who is retained to serve as ambassador (during the period of time between trade and retention or when the time for retention is). The salary is taken out of the budget draft.

Mentor Role

A retained player can be appointed to serve as an instructor (must satisfy a set of requirements). The cost of a mentor’s salary is paid in a separate manner and does not affect the budget for drafts.

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Category Downgrade Rules

Teams are able to downgrade their player categories in order to improve their strategic or budgetary position. This article explains how thoroughly.

Methods for Downgrading a Player’s Category

Three primary ways to lower a player’s classification within the PSL draft:

Successful Relegation Request

This is the most well-known way to go.

Appointing an Ambassador

It is performed in the window of trade/retention or during the period of the retention.

Designating a Mentor

It also applies to retired players. There are also particular eligibility requirements.

The Relegation Request Process

This article explains how teams can ask a player to be downgraded in his category.

Player Agreement

The first and most important stage is to obtain the permission of the user. If the player doesn’t consent to the downgrade the request will automatically be rejected. Example: If a team would like to lower Kamran Akmal’s status to Platinum and upgrade to Diamond, Kamran must agree to put him within the Diamond category.

Submission to PCB

After the player has agreed that they are happy, the team sends an official request for relegation to the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB).

Franchise Notification and Approval

The PSL management is informed by other franchises of the demand.

Unanimous Approval

If other franchises all agree with the request and there are no objections the request is accepted, and the player’s classification will be lowered.

Objection by One Franchise

If any franchise is opposed that request, it will be denied. Example: If Karachi Kings request to lower Usman Shinwari from Diamond to Gold however, the Lahore Qatarandars refuses, Karachi Kings must either remain Usman as a Diamond or let him go. If released Lahore Qalandars has the first rights to hold the former as a Diamond.

Multiple Objections and Silent Bidding

If there are multiple franchises that object to the same process, it becomes difficult.

Silent Bids

PSL Management calls for silence bidding from teams that object.

Minimum Bid

The minimum bid is determined by the current ceiling of a player’s category.

Winning Bid

The team that has the most bid will be awarded the player in the lower category.


If the bids are even the coin toss decides who wins.

Downgrading via Ambassador Role

  1. The method is only employed during the trade as well as time period of retention or during the period of retention and not in the draft itself.
  2. Ambassadors have to be chosen from players who are retained.
  3. The ambassador’s salary is taken from the total budget.
  4. The pay range of an ambassador is based on the maximum in their current category, and the minimum of the lower class.

Downgrading via Mentor Role

The mentors have to be chosen from players who have been retained, and just one coach per team is permitted.

The salary of a mentor will not considered to be part of the salary limit of the team.

Eligibility Criteria for Mentors

The player has to meet at the very least one of listed requirements.

  1. The national team has been captained by a captain.
  2. I have retired in international cricket.
  3. Played in over 100 international matches.

If all of the conditions is met, the participant may be designated as a mentor. The cost of a mentor’s salary is borne in a separate installment by the franchise, and doesn’t affect the draft budget.